Nautical Cloud Release December 2023 5.2.0

Registering New Accounts

When a user registers a new account and has an account on another organiser’s system that uses Nautical Cloud, they are offered the opportunity to copy their details and reduce the information they need to complete.

Note: A future release will provide the capability to copy crew and boats across.

ORC Double-Handed Certificates

Full support for ORC Double-Handed certificates is now built-in. A boat without a primary ORC certificate will default to its double-handed certificate.

A competitor can swap between certificates until the rating deadline for the race.

A race officer can swap certificates for a race entry at any time in the race office.

Checklist enhancements

Each checklist section description now supports rich text including hyperlinks and images.

Questions can optionally have “Extended Question Descriptions” that include rich text, hyperlinks and images. (See below for a use case)


The ordering of questions now supports version-type ordering. For example 1.1.1 as well as 1,2,3.

YB Tracker Extended Information

In race details – Race Tracking – YB Tracker Live Status

Extended information for each race entry including VMG, last tracker event received (Sync at) and Battery level.

A future release will enable a race office to have automatic alerts when tracker batteries run low.


Danger Lists enhanced with tracker data

Danger lists have been enriched with tracker data to show the predicted finish time, last VMG, Required VMG (to beat you) and miles to go.

Enhance Race Class Features

On the race class form, you can now hide all and make all classes visible at the same time. The number of entries is shown and if you click on the number, you are presented with a list of all entries in that class.