Nautical Cloud Release November 2023 5.1.5 

Improved Mobile Experience for the Race Office

Small buttons have been replaced with action dropdowns to assist with ease of use and all functions in the race office have been checked to be responsive for different devices.

Override individual Alerts in the Race Office

We have added the ability to override and re-instate individual alerts in the race office.

A pink paper with lines

Description automatically generated

Enhancements to reports

The marina report now included more information about the boat entry, e.g., sail number and beam.

A new Coast Guard report has been added including all the information the Coast Guard may need for each race entry, crew members, life rafts, EPIRBS and AIS devices.

Documents Tab in Boats in the Race Office

A race office can now store multiple miscellaneous documents against a boat record.


The membership area has undergone significant enhancement. You can now cancel and refund membership, add membership categories, and update the pricing of subscriptions.

Someone with a membership can now upgrade their membership to another subscription.


New area in the race office to store trophies, get signatures for release forms and track past winners and return dates.

Club ratings

Ability to export club and import club rating and assign a TCC label. E.g., TCF or PHS

Race Entry Deposits

The ability to set a fixed amount as a deposit or percentage.